
Buddhism-Hinduism-Wilderness Cry-Hilary L Hunt MD

cropped-img_0360-1-e1509913859388.pngHave you ever wondered why and how two of the oldest philosophies/religions in the world came to be? More importantly, have you ever considered the ultimate concepts contained in those philosophies ? While I do not know, with certainty, about their origin and development, it seems likely to me that they were a direct attempt to understand the basic meaning of life, and at the same time, discover the nature if its origin. While the Abrahamic religions were busy bargaining with their god, and offering sacrifices to him, the contemplative far-easterners were desperately trying to understand if such an entity actually existed, and, if so, in what environs.

hMy research tells me that the contemplatives were way ahead of the sacrificials who had dreamed up a scheme of power and control right out of their own playbook—that is to say, they manufactured a god patterned directly after their own possessive, egotistical selves. Their god was theirs alone and could not be shared with anyone.

In the meantime, the contemplatives, like many native Americans, were driven to see their god in everything (wind, sun, stars, waters etc.). Without benefit of any scientific knowledge, just as Jesus, they were able to grasp the existence of God in everything. Jesus could not explain the specifics, he just knew that the spirit of God existed in everything. He saw that everything in existence was evil  by virtue of its selfishness, and by his knowing, he felt himself to be commissioned to die in atonement for the Father’s faults  so the Father could be Perfect Love . So, he died that we may live in eternal bliss.

IMG_1065Can there be a greater thrill? I’d vouch to say that no one, who professes an Abrahamic religion, is  any closer to God than any Hindu or Buddhist who ever lived. We, each, are loved equally by our Perfect Loving Creator, with no one possibly being more favored over another—there are no such things as  higher places in heaven.

For full elucidation, please read my two little books, Wilderness Cry and Peace in Spirituality. Press releases and video trailers attached

906242_Press Release for Wilderness Cry

Press Release for Peace in Spirituality



I have been readiIMG_1605ng many posts the last few days about anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem etc. It should be noted that there is always a significant up-tick in these feelings during dark of winter, and especially near Christmas-time. There are two categories of anxiety; one type is generated by real circumstances such as concerns about where your next rent payment will come from. That is conscious anxiety and normal. The next type, which is universal, is subconscious anxiety which has a much different generator.  It is instilled in us at an early age before we are rational. We are made to believe that we are bad by well-meaning parents, teachers, preachers and others. Those ideas and feelings are stored in our subconsciousness. We don’t remember the specific incidents which caused the ideas and feelings, but we have a general feeling of uneasiness and don’t know why. The more we have been poorly indoctrinated in our formative years, the greater feelings of guilt and anxiety we exhibit. Greater degrees and extremes of anxiety may, and frequently do, lead to depression, even to the point of taking ones own life. Depression is caused by our failed exhaustive attempts to ward off punishment generated by the guilt instilled in us. We see defensive reactions exhibited in many ways but two stand out. One is the overbearing hot head know-it-all who has to be right all the time; would argue a point “till hell freezes over”, and all the time likely being wrong. The other in the cowed, meek, person who  exhibits no feelings of self esteem. Typically, that person is shy, backward, hates to meet new people, doesn’t like crowds, would panic if asked to speak to a public audience, and typically will cling to one or two people in their lives. Usually they live in constant fear but have no idea why. In my powerful little book, Wilderness Cry, I show how Ideologies and Religion are the two main culprits in causing those problems. Both of those entities impose on us ideas and demands totally contrary to our God-given nature. As infants, toddlers and small children, we are not capable of a rational analysis of these contrarian ideas; we simply are left with the built-in ideas that we are bad which generates guilt; guilt generates need for punishment; punishment generates anxiety which generates feelings of worthlessness and depression. I show in my book that religions and ideologies in general have ignored Jesus’ command for us to love one another as ourselves. If that were the norm in our society, our children would be inculcated in a framework of love and acceptance. The result would be dramatic. Universal peace would prevail, anxiety would be reduced to a minimum, and people would be God-loving and people-loving. It will likely never happen because of Power, Money and Control. Dictators and Church Hierarchy will never relinquish their Power. For an understanding of how to rid yourself of these anxious feelings and for a complete elucidation of many, many more concepts, you must read my book, Wilderness Cry- a Scientific and Philosophical Approach to Understanding God and the Universe. Amazon and all on-line book retailers.


When a dam breaks, initially the water flows at a rapid rate with high pressure and speed through channels that existed before the dam was constructed. Eventually, the water exhausts all available pre-established channels, and runs outward in all directions establishing new shallower channels until finally, it seems to flow as one giant shallow wave with no perceptible boundaries or channels out over one massive flat. There is a simple reason for the lack of new channels being established and that has to do with lack of a pressure-head which results in reduced speed or rate of flow which creates less friction and erosive effect.  That simple, observable, intelligible, analogy may be applied to the plight of Christianity.

There was a near three-hundred-year timeframe after Jesus’ death that his teachings and their interpretations had spread like wildfire throughout the civilized world from the Near east, through all of North Africa and southern Europe all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. A hierarchy of sorts had been established whereby bishop had been consecrated through a power transfer from a previously established bishops extending back to James, John, Peter, and likely, the other apostles. It seems that most candidates for consecration qualified for that position by being the most influential man in the settlement. Regardless, after consecration, he was the sole authority in his domain concerning faith and morals.

As time progressed, eighteen hundred such bishops existed. As might be expected, there was no universal agreement among them about what was to be believed nor about how God and Jesus were to be considered. That lack of agreement created friction and, at times, outright squabbles among certain bishops causing a gross lack of production for the Roman empire under whose domain they existed — the peasants were fighting among themselves rather than working for the Empire.

That situation created the necessity for construction of a dam. Accordingly, the ‘chief engineer, Emperor Constantine, called the bishops (workers) into a conference (council) at Nicaea. Only three hundred or so bishops of the eighteen hundred in existence attended, but they were sufficient to devise and finish construction of the mightiest dam ever heard of, the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

That newly constructed dam was rock-solid and remained so while Constantine and his son who followed him in power were alive. But, when Rome fell, the dam lost it main support — leaks began to appear. They were small and seemingly insignificant initially but became major with the Greek Schism in the year 1054. That led to the loss of about half the dam’s water.

During the next five-hundred years, the dam deteriorated to the point of final rupture with the release of much of its remaining water in 1521 when Martin Luther bolted the Church. During the next five hundred years the flow of so-called Christian doctrine in both the East and West, but mainly in the West, continued at a torrid pace until now its pressure head has been reduced to a trickle — a massive, creeping flat of forty-five-thousand Christian churches is what remains. In the meantime, the pressure head in Rome has been reduced to near non-flowable levels — and why?

A clear, succinct, answer to that ‘why’ appears to me to be very short and very simple — the dam was built by inept builders using inadequate materials. They constructed their dam on a foundation of fairy tales and hearsay while applying those materials with the mortar of a mythical god who does not exist.

You might ask how or why I am allowed to say that. Well, In the first instance that dam was constructed by bishops (builders) who reluctantly agreed to the final ‘blueprint’, and they representative of only seventeen per-cent of the builders. More importantly, they had no idea about the nature of the water (God) they were attempting to dam. They could not define the essence of their god, Therefore, there were as many gods as there were workers —each god demanded his own individual domain, church.

The flow of water (churches) has slowed into a massive flat but continues to trickle forward in all directions albeit at a slower pace — between the years of 2016 and 2024, the number of so-called Christian religions increased from 35,000 to 45,000. Meanwhile, the headwater in Rome continues to weaken and dribble. The big fish are splashing wildly in their landlocked potholes — the division created by change in Catholic Church philosophy has emanated into major discord worldwide —some are considering schism — other screaming and pulling their hair while hollering, “heresy” — the biggest fish seems not to mind — neither do I.

The materials used for building the dam in the first instance were laden with mythology, astrology, imagination, ignorance, and magic. The builders, themselves had no realistic concept of the god they were damming up. They could not and did not define the essential nature of that god. Therefore, there were more gods than their dam could retain and restrain.

Had they known that their God is a Perfect Rational Being, their dam would still be intact. In fact, the longer it stood the stronger its building materials would become from the process of coalescence into one rock-solid structure — a Church of Thanksgiving to our all-perfect, all-loving God. Had they known that their dam was constructed of the identical perfect particles of energy as the God they were restraining, not only would their task have been simple, but its effects would also have endured forever.

Regrettably, what we have today is a massive flat of religion built on false narratives with absolutely no understanding of the nature of the god they are worshiping.

Had the early Christians known science, none of this dam breaking would have ever occurred. The word science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge, and knowledge, of course is truth. Since God is all truth, it follows that God is all science, and all science is God — Perfect Rationality. Everything in this universe operates under a cause-effect principle. For every cause there is a perfect effect, and every effect has a perfect cause. To start the wheel rolling, there had to be an initiating cause, a prime mover. That Prime Mover, we call God. He made one move and only one move — he released his Perfect Energy in the form of Perfect Particles each with its own task. Immediately, they began doing what they were designed to do, and the cause-effect’ wheel was set into motion. That singular event which scientists refer to as the Big Bang is the only action God has ever taken regarding this universe. From that moment on, God has taken a hands-off attitude and has allowed his nature (Perfect Energy) do as it was designed and commissioned to do.

Had the designers of the first Holy Roman Catholic Church known and understood that science (truth), the dam would never have broken, and we would not have the massive flat of diverse ‘Christian’ churches, each proclaiming to be the only correct one, as we see today. More importantly, we would all be of one like-mind of understanding about the Perfect Rational Being we call God. We all would be reaching to that God, not in quest of favors, but rather in thanksgiving for our lives, our sustenance, and our eternal destination in the bosom of that Perfect rational Being — there would be peace.

Furthermore, the world would not be filled with ignorant people who not only believe, but also expect God to do the impossible, change his nature and perform a miracle, just for them. They would know that God could not possibly change his Perfect nature without self-destructing, and immediately destroying the entire universe. However, today, self-serving religion suggesting such is still just as active as in Jesus’ day — controlling the minds and pocketbooks of people for its own gain. Jesus was the greatest hero to ever live. He railed against that unjust religion and told the world about the real Perfect God Of Love.

  He knew that teaching would get himself crucified but his zeal and determination to liberate us from the terrible persecuting religion of ‘appeasement of a vengeful god’ drove him onward. No greater hero ever lived, and I vouch to say, never will.

As many of you know, I have written extensively about this subject which I believe is so important for us to understand. The effects of ‘misunderstanding the nature of God‘ have overwhelmed the earth and created perpetual turmoil. I have written three books and over four hundred blog posts about this most important subject. If you have read my books Wilderness Cry, Peace In Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic, please read them again until you have full understanding — you will regain internal peace like never before.

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Mind you, I am not advocating that you cease going to church. I believe gathering is good — gathering in ’one mind’ is perfect. As you go to your individual churches, and listen to your priests or preachers, their words will fall on a different set of ears — you will be gaining an understanding of ‘spirituality’. The Worldwide Communion Of Spirituality is what I called for four-five years ago. I hope and trust there are more and more accepters and adherents.

If you have not read my philosophy books, I implore you to do so. In addition, you may find my Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky entertaining. All are available Amazon-Kindle and autographed from me handg@comcast.net.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


All Christianity is based mainly on two suppositions or inferences lacking a basis in biblical fact. Simply stated, nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say he came to die as a sacrificial offering of appeasement of God the Father for our sins. In addition, nowhere does the Bible clearly state the reason why the Jewish hierarchy wanted Jesus dead. Furthermore, it seems perfectly clear to me that the ‘second neglect’ is prompted by the ‘first neglect’.  Please allow me to explain.

As you will recall Moses psychologically impaled the Israelites with Ten Commandments and associated threats of certain retribution from God for infractions. Those in charge reasoned to a conclusion that God was perpetually angry with them because of their continued noncompliance. Therefore, it became obvious to them that God must be appeased. That appeasement came in the form of sacrificial ritual. Accordingly, a High Priest was appointed — he, alone, was allowed to make that sacrificial offering. Those offerings were of material goods, usually produce or animals, and were required to be a perfect specimen of its kind. Furthermore, because the specimens were mandated to be perfect, only the High Priest could produce them. Of course, they didn’t come free. The peasant sinners were required to purchase the perfect specimens from the High Priest — it became a lucrative mandate for the High Priest and King

Now, fast forward to Roman control of Judea. The Jewish hierarchy had established an agreement with Rome whereby Rome would allow the Jews to keep their form of ‘religious government’, but the Jewish peasants were required to produce for Rome. In other words, the Jewish people were being enslaved by both Rome and their own Jewish sacrificial government.

Enter Jesus — during Jesus’ lifetime, according to self-proclaimed historian Aslan, there were literally hundreds of zealots who, because of their oppression, aspired and conspired to organize armies and overthrow both the Roman and Jewish governments. They all met the same fate, crucifixion, which was the mode of death reserved for all traitors. Furthermore, those crucifixions were staged on the highest hill, Golgotha, along the road approaching Jerusalem — high visibility and warning to would-be traitors.

Jesus was a traitor of a different kind. He had no intention of overthrowing the rulers by force, but rather by subversion. Please allow me to elaborate this point — it defines Jesus — neither is it made clear by the writers and rewriters of the Bible. It is very clear to me that Jesus was a brilliant observer and thinker. He recognized a God far different from the vengeful God of the Israelites. Jesus’ God was perfect in all respects and differed from the Jewish God in two major aspects. He was all loving rather than vengeful. Just as important, God was in everything and everything was in God rather than a ‘grizzled old man-like God sitting in a cloud somewhere overlording his creation with a perpetual angry frown on his brow. Jesus saw God as all love — he could not possibly hate, hurt, or reject any part of his own creation. “Hear ye. Oh Israel, I’ll give you two commandments. You shall love your God with your entire being, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (paraphrased)”. Jesus despised the Jewish sacrificial religion which constituted a double-edged sword for his people — oppression by the hierarchy and oppression by God as presented by that religion.

It is clear to me that it was Jesus’ teaching of an all-loving God which angered the hierarchy. Knowing that he would be crucified for his heresy, Jesus had hoped to have his teaching of love spread worldwide by his apostles and disciples. Therefore, he spent most of his public life in the hinterlands away from Jerusalem in the hopes of spreading the ‘good news’ (Gospel) to as many as possible before his apprehension. It is likely we will never know whether or not he was immediately successful, so corrupted is the written word. It certainly is obvious that ultimately, he was a near total failure — overtly, there have been few of us who shared his views throughout the centuries.

Those bishops who established the Holy Roman Catholic Church at the request of Emperor Constantine, some three hundred years after Jesus’ death, most certainly ignored his teaching of love. They explicitly reverted to the sacrificial religion of the Jews, only with a new twist — Jesus became the unbloody sacrifice. It is my understanding that such philosophy was not proclaimed immediately but rather was developed over several hundred years. In any event, Jesus has become the sacrificial lamb of appeasement of God the Father for our sins — I am convinced Jesus would reject that teaching one hundred percent.

Jesus’ only purpose for his teachings of love was to supplant the sacrificial, oppressive religion of the Jews. He wanted the world to know that God loves all his creation and accepts it just as he created it to function. He wanted us to know that so-called sin is not against God but rather against our fellow man — ‘thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’.

So, with that explanation, it should be obvious that the generators of the 45,000 so-called Christian religions worldwide have distorted the written truth over the centuries to accommodate the validity of their existence — not one of them knows or preaches the Jesus and God whom I know. Not one of them has successfully, irrefutably defined the essence of their God. In truth, they can’t because their God is the God of the Jews — a total myth. I have made that definition of God’s essence — God is a Perfect Rational Being.

But, just as in Jesus’ day, the God of the Jews provides them with trillions of dollars annually to enrich their pockets while maintaining power and control over their constituents. That is what Jesus railed against — that’s what got him crucified. He was a traitor to the Jewish religion.

Jesus seemed to know, just as I know, that “God is a Perfect rational Being”. No one can refute that. I thank God that crucifixions are outlawed these days, or I would be hanging there with him. Jesus only intention and purpose was to be our Liberator — he would free us from the oppressive God of the Jews as imposed by Moses and show us the God of Perfect love.

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I have elucidated that philosophy in succinct detail in my little book, Wilderness Cry. In addition, I have expounded on its ramifications thoroughly in my two books, Peace in Spirituality and Provocative Catholic. If you care to know more about my upbringing, Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky may be to your liking. All are available Amazon-Kindle and from me, autographed. handg@comcast.net.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


Today, I want to address, what I consider to be, one of the most ill-conceived concepts in Christianity—just and merciful God. I have heard that term used by priests and preachers all my life, likely to the count of no less than a million times. As a child aged five, studying and being instructed in Roman Catholicism, until this very day, a barrage of such statements has continued incessantly. Early on, not knowing any better, I accepted that concept without question. However, as I grew older in both age and understanding, I began questioning the existence of such a god. Even though I knew the bible and general Christian teaching regarding God, the concept of Just and Merciful could not be reconciled with my understanding of God as being all loving—there was a disconnect which I could not comprehend.

Gradually, as I perceived all religion to be about power and control, and being bewildered by my lack of understanding, the basic problem came to light for me—the god of whom they all spoke was a pure myth because not a single religion nor religious leader had defined or was able to define the essence of that god—neither could I.

Knowing that I could not define God’s essence and knowing that nothing has meaning without an essential definition, compelled me to embark on a journey of understanding so that I might be able to do so. Meanwhile, with ‘tongue in cheek’, I was forced to accept what I had been taught.

Searching for answers, I investigated every avenue available to me. The most obvious place to search was my priests. When I questioned them about God’s essence, the typical response was a scornful frown or retort— ‘Don’t be asking questions. Just do as you are told.

 Information resources were scant before the days of PCs, but I read everything I could find. It became very apparent to me that the god I had learned about was schizophrenic. On the one hand, a human concoction dreamed up by the Israelites and patterned exactly after their own selfish, controlling, vengeful, and demeaning ways—their method was ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’, and so was their god’s method. On the other hand, I had been taught God was all loving—those two concepts just didn’t jive. Therefore, I had to continue my struggle to define my God’s essence.

Finally, after sixty years, my inquisitiveness was rewarded. I had known forever that everything in the universe was made of atoms which were composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons, but I didn’t know what the protons and neutrons were composed of. I knew that the protons and neutrons were responsible for nearly all the weight of everything—they love each other and want to ‘snuggle’ together as tightly as possible. However, I did not know that the electrons were responsible for giving substances the appearance of being solid—they hate each other and are totally standoffish, making most things seem solid.

Through my chance encounter with Quantum Mechanics (particle physics), I learned that the protons and neutrons were made up of tiny indivisible particles known as quarks. I also learned that along with electrons, photons, and quarks, there were several other indivisible particles which collectively constitute the substrate of ever gravid entity in existence. In addition, I learned that each of those particles is perfect in both form and function, cannot be further subdivided, is indistinguishable from its counterparts, cannot be created nor destroyed by humans, is unchanging and unchangeable, and not one more or less exists today that did not exist at the time of their release 13.8 billion years ago–are we not describing eternity? Are we not depicting God when we speak of an entity which is perfect in all respects, is unchanging and unchangeable, and not only exists in eternity, but also exists in every material object in existence—a Perfect Rationality outside of which no truth can exist in this universe?

There, I just did it for you. Very humbly, I defined the essence of our God—God is a Perfect Rational being. That Perfect Rationality is present in every existence in our universe—that Perfect Rationality is energy.  You might object, noting that thoughts and concepts generated by thoughts are not material—I would respond that they are energy, generated, emanated, and controlled by electrical impulses running through the brains of living, changing entities. However, the Source never changes—It is Perfect—It Is God. It has no human-like head, hair, nor body, as we have been led to believe—do we not say that Jesus is ‘seated at the right hand of the Father’? Neither God nor Jesus has a butt upon which to sit—they are Eternal Spirit. Just as an electron or photon has no body, neither does God, of which they are.

So, with that understanding, we come to realize that God is everything and everything is God. Is God guilty of misdeeds? Can he possibly have ‘mercy’ on himself? I think not. God is, in fact, Perfect Love which means he cannot possibly reject any part of himself. Remember, we are God’s children—he is ‘our substance’— he makes up our essence’.

With that in mind, I would propose that we should cringe each time we hear that totally nonsensical, irrational proposition, ‘just and merciful god’—that’s the mythical god dreamed up by the Hebrews and perpetuated by the Jewish-minded Christians who formed the first official Catholic (universal) church. Justice, of course, means we have done evil and, therefore, deserve punishment. Remember, the bishops who formed the first Christian church did so at the behest of Roman Emperor Constantine with his assurance that whatever they determined would be enforced by the Roman Army—can you imagine them not putting themselves in a self-serving, controlling position? —I can’t.

Religions, in general, and the three Abrahamic religions, specifically, have attempted to control us by making us feel ‘guilty’ for being God’s normal creatures. In so doing, they have fostered divisiveness, hostility, and above all, mental (emotional) illness. At one time, that guilt-driven mental illness grew so bad as to prompt G Rattray Taylor, in his very thorough and astute book, Sex in History, to describe Medieval Europe as ‘one giant cesspool of psychosis’. That condition has improved somewhat in modern times for one reason only— young people are ignoring such foolishness. However, the world is still chocked full of middle aged and older neurotics and psychotics generated by guilt-driven religion.

If you have not already done so, you could relieve much of your guilt by reading my three philosophy books. Wilderness Cry-a scientific and philosophical approach to understanding God and the universe, Peace in Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic— Amazon-Kindle, and handg@comcast.net. Also, it Is likely that many of you may not have read my little book, Growing Up in Fancy Farm Kentucky. I believe you would truly enjoy it.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


UNDERSTANDING- Oh, what a beautiful word. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone in the world could have the same understanding–there would be no disagreements, no hostilities—only loving acceptance of each other–there would be peace. We can, but will we?

Anyone who follows my writings and comprehends their meaning knows that common understanding is my goal. Some of you may feel threatened by my philosophy. Others may be angered, and still others may be bewildered. There are many, however, who seem to understand and are grateful for my contribution to their understanding.

Many of you are aware that I have presented my foolproof pathway to understanding in my books, Wilderness Cry, Peace in Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic.  Those books, which are echoed in my frequent blog posts, lay out an irrefutable understanding of God, his universe, and our relationship with both.

By defining the essence of God as a perfect rational being, I am able to show that the ‘miniscule’ image of God as portrayed in the Old Testament and perpetuated by all three Abrahamic religions has been, and still is, the single-most major deterrent to peace the world has ever known. Each group, in turn, has envisioned a certain, ill-defined image of that being and, simultaneously, proclaimed him, with absolute certainty, to be the only correct one. That, of course, has established immediate hostilities — one group stepping on other groups’ turf and toes. 

In similar fashion, each group has developed a system of appeasement of that vengeful God—those systems are known as religion. As of 2014 there were 33,000 such so-called Christian religions in the world — as of 2024 there are 45,000 such groups. I say so-called because each claims Jesus as its head, but each, simultaneously, professes a different Jesus. Their claims, of course, are based on the Bible, a book which has been frequently altered to suit each group’s imagination and desires.

Now, having that awareness has compelled me to seek a solution to the problem. Since we recognize religion, without question, to be the cause of hostilities, what is the solution? Plainly and simply, we must come to a ‘common understanding’. And how may we do that? The very first step is to have a distinctive, irrefutable definition of the essence of our God, so that everyone starts on the ‘same page’.

After years and years of research, study, and contemplation, I have been able to derive that essential definition (God is a Perfect Rational Being), and from it flows the automatic answers to all our dilemmas, mysteries, and quandaries. Because that definition refutes literally every tenet of every religion, I may be perceived as hostile to religion. I am not hostile—I am realistic and I am asking you to be realistic also.

I’m no dummy—as Willy Nelson would say, “I wasn’t born no yesterday”. I am fully aware that almost all of us have been inculcated with the tenets of a specific religion, and likely, that inculcation was explicit and exclusive of all others—I know mine was. So, if you, as an individual, are willing to drop your shoulders, calm your bristles, and join your neighbors in a loving common understanding, then we can eventually have peace. It won’t come from the ‘top down’—no movement seldom ever does. It must start with you and you and you and you………. — from the ‘bottom up’.

When enough ‘yous’ join together, the ‘top brass’ will take note—oh, they will try desperately hard to hold on—eventually they will relinquish and accommodate— what a glorious day!!!

Understand, I am not in any way demeaning you or your religion. I am simply pointing out the misguided way of all religion and am pleading for your gracious acceptance and understanding of a better way. That better way consists simply in our universal gathering to offer God our only justifiable prayer — thanksgiving for our existence, our sustenance, and our salvation through his perfect love. God expects nothing of us — his love is all inclusive. However, I believe it would do us good to gather with humility, gratefulness, and thanksgiving in communities of common understanding of our all-loving God. 

I encourage you to “put my philosophy to the test’—study it rigorously and offer me a scientific and philosophically solid rebuttal. If you can, I will graciously listen—if you can’t, join me in a communion of understanding. Very simply put, that means your recognition and acceptance that ‘we and everything in existence are of one common substance (energy)’ imbedded in that Perfect Rational Being which we call God — all is of one Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Will of God. That is why I make persistent calls for the recognition and acceptance of the World-wide Communion of Spirituality. Pray that we may have that ‘Common Understanding’. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, resides in all entities including us — otherwise, we and they could not be.

If you have not read my little books, Wilderness Cry, Peace in Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic I sincerely encourage you to do so. You will gain so much insight and understanding. All are available Amazon-Kindle, both hard-copy and e-books. If you would like an autographed copy(s), feel free to contact me, (handg@comcast.net).

At the very least, log onto Amazon and pull up the ‘free read’ section for Provocative Catholic. I believe you will find the foreword very inspiring — I was written by good friend and former Kentucky Supreme Justice, the honorable J. W. “Bill” Graves JD.

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In addition, if you have an interest in my youth, activities, and upbringing, you may find my little book, Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky, entertaining.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity



The term Magisterium refers to the absolute teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Historical review shows those teachings, as well as their authoritative presentations and use, have been in a constant state of flux through the time of the second Vatican Council. Since that time, it appears to the casual observer such as I that the idea of Magisterium, while not having been abandoned, has been skillfully ignored so as to pretend ‘it never happened’. Just remember, the Church’s stance is that Magisterium is an ‘absolute teaching authority which stems directly from God’. So, since God is perfect and unchanging, that means the magisterial teachings of the Church must be perfect and unchanging. After all, it would not ‘be fair’ to incriminate one generation and send them straight to hell for violations of their teachings, and not do the same for following generations — or would it?

For instance: where was Magisterium when the earth was flat, and the earth was the center of our universe? History shows the Church taught emphatically that the earth is flat, and is the center of the universe, even to a point during the Inquisitions of torturing and burning to death all dissenters. Likewise, couples, even accused of enjoying sex, were given the same treatment. Similar punishment was administered to all accused of having sex on any elevated surface because the shaking they created might cause the earth to topple off its five crocked, wobbly legs and fall into the netherworld below. Male masturbation was the worst crime demanding execution by fire because all the babies were in the male ejaculate and were being spilled to their death. Witches were everywhere, sometimes even masquerading as infants and children — burning to death was the only ‘sure-fire’ method of exterminating them. The Protestants ‘got into that fun’ in the early days of our country by hanging witches.

 So, what about the Magisterial rules of fasting and abstaining from meat— don’t hear much about them anymore. I can remember when knowingly eating meat on Friday was a mortal sin —a direct ticket to hell if one died before confessing it. Any use of sexual functions other than heterosexual union by married couples was an absolute mortal sin. Likewise, deliberately missing Mass on any Sunday or Holy day of Obligation carried the same penalty. Any birth control method other than the ‘rhythm method’ was a certain ticket to hell, while abortion was the most abhorrent of all methods. Marriages to a non-Catholic, while not forbidden, were strongly discouraged, and could not be done inside a Catholic Church building — they were done in the priest’s rectory out of sight of the congregation. Failure to confess one’s sins to a priest at least once a year or to receive Holy Communion during “Easter Time’ was basically automatic self-excommunication. Any servile work on Sundays or Holy Days was strictly forbidden — the only exception was ‘the ox being in a ditch’.

The above examples will serve to illustrate the obvious ‘about face’ of the Church hierarchy concerning Magisterium. Since they have declared themselves to be the ultimate voice of God, it must be obvious that God has ‘changed his mind’ about almost everything. Of course, they get away with such chicanery because all Catholics have been taught that God does change his mind a billion times a day. Remember, there are over a billion Catholics in the world, and all are asking God to change his mind and do ‘something special, ’just for them, almost every day.

I would suggest that the seeming about face of the church stems from two sources. Number one is that they can no longer justify ignoring obvious facts of science. Number two is the Church’s rules about sex, marriage, birth control, divorce, and anything to do with sex are falling on deaf ears among the younger generations. Consequently, the younger generation are finding religion irrelevant in their lives as their precipitous drop in attendance at Catholic services attests. That drop in attendance translates into a precipitous drop in income for the Church — that is the source of the Church’s real concern.

 Pope Francis has repeatedly iterated dictums totally contrary to previous Church stances. As a general cover for his so-called liberal stance, he remarks that ‘None of the rules have changed. We just got to stop talking about them’. In other words, just pretend they have changed. In due time, the old folks like me who remember will be gone, and the younger folks will think the rules have always been lax and to their liking — maybe Church membership and attendance will pick up. In addition, the obvious collusive open border policy is also aimed at shoring up and reinforcing the Church’s numbers. It’s all about money. If the sex weapon no longer works to control them, just let them do as their commonsense dictates and just pretend that stance has always been Church policy. Power and control with resultant money extraction must be maintained by whatever means necessary — to hell with morality.

 The bottom line is this; for almost two centuries God used restrictions on sex, his own self-instilled instinctual drive, to control us by threatening us with eternal torture in the unquenchable fire of hell. Now, suddenly, God did an about face and lifted the restrictions on normal sex and replaced them with a policy of ‘anything goes’ attitude toward sex — control by liberal presentation of sex to it members and potential members. Of course, God’s ‘change of mind’ comes through the presentation of Magisterium by those who presume to be his surrogates.

Don’t you have sympathy for those poor Christians who lived between 325 AD and 2013 AD ? — I do. The social and psychological impact of those restrictive orders about sex prompted G. Rattray Taylor, in his very complete and astute book, Sex in History, to observe that Medieval Europe resembled “a giant cesspool of psychosis”. The schizoid effect on personalities by the restriction of perfectly normal sexual activity and common sense was monumental. Neither did it stop with Medieval Europe — it persisted until very recently. Almost all ‘normal’ practicing Catholics born before the year 2000 are affected to some degree or another — the guilt and fear instilled by such restrictions cannot be avoided in normal individuals.

The conservative (old school) branch of Catholicism continually rails against Pope Francis for his liberal stance in Magisterium — he seems not to care.

Everyone knows that the God of the Israelites is the same God of Christians — he can change his mind anytime he wishes. In fact, God changes his mind millions of times daily performing miracles for those who beg him, or so they think—I am sympathetic to the pathetic, unassuming people who have been taught to believe so, and I am equally sympathetic to the poor unassuming individuals whom God refuses to honor with miracles — consider the millions who annually die of cancer and other incurable diseases because God refuses to work a miracle for them. Does anyone seriously believe that God favors one person over another? Yes, sadly they do — they have been brainwashed to think so.

In my book, Wilderness Cry, I have defined irrefutably God’s essence; God is a Perfect Rational Being. That definition ‘blows all religion out of the water’ — all are invalid. God is Perfect and cannot possibly change anything about himself or anything. The philosophical proof lies in the fact that ‘change’ involves an element of ‘time’ — there is no time in Eternity. God’s Perfect Intellect envisioned all and released all at the moment of the Big Bang, and his Perfect Will, the Holy Spirit, ensures that all remains Perfect.

 I believe without doubt that Pope Francis is correct in his ‘magisterial’ approach regarding sex. I have no way of knowing his motive, but observing the massive influx of migrants, most of whom are Catholic, across our southern border, and being aware of the massive reduction of churchgoing Catholics in this country, leads me to suspicion that his motive is at least partially ‘commercial’. He wants to ‘shore up’ the numbers of Catholics and, knowing that Spanish-origin people are both mostly Catholic and passionate, they will likely fulfill his desire — the Vatican coffers must be enriched at all costs.

In my books, Peace in Spirituality and Provocative Catholic, I explore the many ramifications of my definition of God’s essence. The most striking is the deleterious effect of religion on world society —a most divisive entity which has perpetuated world strife. I show that ‘understanding and accepting’ Spirituality is the absolute only means for attaining and maintaining Peace. Accordingly, several years ago, I issued a call for The Worldwide Communion of Spirituality which means that each person must understand and accept that each of us has a commonality with every entity in existence. That commonality comes from the fact that everything in existence is made of exactly the same perfect particles of energy which I have defined as God’s reflection, and which were released nearly fourteen billion years ago. Therefore, everything in existence is God’s reflection — we are brothers and sisters with All— should we not humble ourselves to that recognition and accept ‘all’ in peace. That is the ultimate Magisterium. Will the world of religion accept it — I have my doubts — too much loss of Power, Control and Money.

I thoroughly understand that my voice is ‘one crying out for truth from the wildernesses of ignorance and deceit’, and likely, will not be heeded. However, I shall not be deterred. I will continue to preach God’s Perfect Love and the evils of religion until my dying breath.  Furthermore, my knowledge of Church history coupled with my definition of God’s essence makes it mandatory to view the Church’s stance on Magisterium is, at best, terribly misguided, or at worst, a complete hoax.

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All my books are available from Amazon-Kindle and from me, autographed — handg@comcast.net. If you have interest in a little history and humor, my book, Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky, might be to your liking.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


Have you ever wondered about the biblical presentation of Jesus’ arrest and trial? I have questioned in my mind those events since I was a teenager. According to the stories presented in the Bible, Jesus was aware that that his teachings represented heresy to the Jewish religion. Therefore, he was a traitor and would be treated accordingly if captured. Judiciously, he spent most of his public life on the edges of populus society so as to not rouse the suspicion and ire of public officials. However, as time progressed, it seems apparent that stories of his teaching gradually reached the Jewish hierarchy.

Eventually, Jesus sensed his time for capture and trial was drawing near and decided to make a final assault on the temple. There he overturned the moneychangers’ tables while whipping them with a lash and calling them a den of thieves, a pit of vipers, while demanding they leave his Father’s house. Then, not long afterward, he was apprehended in the dark of night after being betrayed and identified to the authorities by one of his own, Judas Iscariot. In the meantime, before his arrest, he had his last meal with his apostles. There he does several remarkable things — he predicts his betrayal and identifies his betrayer, he changes bread and wine into his own body and blood while commissioning his apostles to do likewise in memory of him — one account shows him washing his apostles’ feet as an example of servitude, humility, and love which he expected his apostles to exemplify thereafter.

At his trial, the Roman ruler, Pontius Pilate, could find no evidence against him, but despite that, the crowd is incited by the Jewish authorities to demand his crucifixion which was carried out the next day. While hanging in agony on the cross, conflicting stories are presented in the Bible about his interaction between two insurgents who were crucified alongside him. Luke’s account portrays Jesus promising one insurgent that they would be in paradise together that day. Another account by Matthew presents Jesus as being berated by both insurgents until his death.

You may recall, from my previous writings, I had noted by age twelve or so that nothing we prayed for ever materialized. My parish priest told me that was God’s will. Immediately, I began to question and wonder about who our God really is — the God presented to me by my religion didn’t fit the mold of the God I was observing. I was in a quandary — my head began ‘spinning like a top’ so to speak. I couldn’t relate to the God of my religion, but I didn’t know why — my religion had to be correct or did it? —I determined to find out—it took sixty-five years but, finally I did.

As I studied all sorts of history, read and reread the bible, listened to my priest speak of Luke’s or Matthew’s ‘version’ of a story, I became keenly aware that both versions could not possibly be true — maybe neither was true. Eventually, after years of research regarding Church history and the multiple translations and revisions (versions) of the Bible, I concluded that, of the Bibles we have, none is dependable for giving us an accurate account of Jesus. It became obvious to me that no version of the Bible makes clear what teaching of Jesus was heretical enough to stir the ire of the Jewish hierarchy and justify his crucifixion.

What did finally become clear to me was that the bishops who formulated the first official Holy Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD at the demand of Emperor Constantine, were determined to retain their Jewish heritage by continuing a ‘sacrificial’ religion patterned after the Jewish custom. The Christian God was the same ‘vengeful’ God of the Jews. Their God, of course, demanded sacrifice for appeasement of his anger. So, they fabricated an ‘unbloody’ sacrifice of the Mass during which the priest changes water and wine into the body and blood of Jesus and offers it to God — Jesus became the ‘sacrificial lamb’.

It should be noted that nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say that he came to die as an appeasement of his Father for atonement of our sins. As far as I can determine that philosophy was developed by the Catholic Church over several hundred years. In the meantime, the repeated overt abuses, including sexual, political, and monetary, by both the Catholic hierarchy and priests, prompted Martin Luther and others to bolt the Church and formulate other religions — the cat was out of the bag. So, now we have 45,000 so-called Christian religions and sects worldwide — each proclaiming authenticity and claiming to be the best way to heaven.

While the Catholic Church remains the largest by far, many splinter groups based purely on the Bible, with most seemingly adhering to some version of Paul’s philosophy that baptism and acceptance of Jesus as their savior is all that is necessary for salvation, have evolved. That represents Paul’s obvious split with Peter and James who continued to demand ‘sacrifice’ along with good works for salvation.

All the above information created an insatiable determination in me to solve that puzzle — what piece was missing? It occurred to me that all seemed to be worshiping a different God while, simultaneously, claiming Jesus as their foundation — how could that be? — no one could or had defined the essence of the God they were worshiping. With good fortune and luck, I stumbled onto Quantum Mechanics which along with previously acquired information allowed me to define, irrefutably, God’s essence. God is a Perfect Ration Being.

The ramifications of that definition are staggering — all religion is invalid — physical miracles are an impossibility — re-analysis of Jesus of Nazareth is mandated.

Instantly, two things happened — my quandaries about God were eliminated, and my understanding and reassessment of Jesus were mandated. It became clear that those who formed and perpetuated Christianity had deliberately made obscure most of Jesus’ basic teaching. Furthermore, they had misappropriated his words at the last supper, and used them as a power base for themselves. In retrospect, it is obvious to me that what Jesus was telling them at the last supper, and what he had been telling them all along, as verified in The Gospel of Thomas, was that he, they, and all creation are in God and God in all his creation — that bread and wine he gave them was God already.

Jesus was an insightful genius who, without any scientific understanding at all (there was none) instinctively knew that God is in all, and all is in God. Therefore, God is all love — vengeance is impossible — appeasement is impossible and any attempt at appeasement is irrational because God cannot possibly reject himself. Jesus only command was ‘love God with your all and love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Paraphrased)

The idea of a vengeful God was given to us by Moses. He lied to his people to control them. He obviously had no problem lying —after all, he was a murderer who had weaseled his way into control of the Israelites — a little lie wouldn’t hurt. Well, as a matter of fact, a little lie did hurt. It hurt billions of people for nearly three thousand years, and is still hurting — I daresay, it will continue to hurt for hundreds more. So, we see that ‘a little lie’ can have devastating consequences.

So, what was Jesus’ intention that led to his preaching of love and his eventual ignominious torture and death by crucifixion? Briefly stated, he intended to supplant the irrational, illegitimate, sacrificial religion of the Jews with a concept of ‘no religion’ — only love. That was/is the Gospel, the Good News which Jesus had hoped would be promulgated worldwide by his followers. His intention was to be our Liberator — he would be our savior only in the sense that he would free us from the oppressive, guilt driven, sacrificial religion of the Jews. It is quite obvious that he was/is a total failure. However, in my opinion, Jesus was the greatest, most laudable, most determined patriot who ever lived.

If we could ever understand and accept that simple concept, then we could become likeminded. Fighting would cease — Worldwide Peace would prevail. Will it ever happen? I am doubtful. It is more likely that an uncontrollable ‘argument’ will break out and mankind will self-exterminate — maybe sooner than you think. Praying to a false God is useless — inner soul-searching and conversion to truth could be extremely beneficial.

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With that in mind, as an assist to you, please read my books on this matter, Wilderness Cry first. Then read Peace in Spirituality and Provocative Catholic. You will be edified. If you care to know more about me, Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky will help. All books are available Amazon-Kindle and from me, autographed, (handg@comcast.net).

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


Have you ever wondered why something works? More importantly, have you wondered at times why seemingly, the same set of circumstances didn’t t work?  Notice, I said seemingly — that ‘seemingly’, creates a quandary for us many times in our lives. When we have full expectations of something and it fails to materialize, we become frustrated. Those frustrations may become more frequent for us if we are active in the use of machinery which suddenly fails to work just when we need to get a job done.

 As little children we learn from experience what works and what doesn’t. We soon learn that something round is likely to roll off an inclined surface. Likewise, we learn that the higher the structure we jump off of, the harder we hit the ground — sometimes we get broken bones, sprains, etc. That myriad of learned experiences creates a groundswell of observed facts which are stored in our subconscious and are immediately brought to the conscious level each time we encounter any such situation. We begin to make judgements about all sorts of things — what is safe or unsafe, relaxing or stressful, difficult or easy. Normal rationality demands that our will always chooses what our intellect tells us is the better of two choices.  An irrational person (crazy, insane) would not necessarily make the better choice because he/she has lost contact with reality.

As we have matured, many have been exposed to the study of higher mathematics, classical physics, chemistry, biology etc. Those studies define for us many of the gross physical laws which regulate things in our universe — we understand what the law says but we do not understand the innermost, supporting foundation for the law unless we are exposed to Quantum Mechanics — particle physics. WE learn that everything in this universe seems to be relative to everything else. WE understand chemical reactions and what to expect from them. We learn and understand that every physical entity in existence is perpetually changing.

We use that knowledge and understanding to do all sorts of things never dreamed of just a few hundred years ago. In fact, it has been just six hundred years or so since the earth was proven to be round, and slightly more than four hundred years since the sun was discovered to be the centerpiece of our solar system. From that time forward, scientific endeavor moved at a snail’s pace until the second World War which ended with the development and deployment of the Atom Bomb. Seemingly, that singular event triggered a groundswell of scientific activity so that today almost all our waking existence is supported, regulated, or occupied by digital technology. Now we even have Artificial Intelligence.

All that knowledge does not explain ‘why it works’. Scientists have discovered how to ‘make it work’ most of the time, but not always— aircraft, both military and civilian, still crash sometimes, rockets sometimes explode, trains still derail etc. And why —human error or disfunction due to deterioration.  On a much simpler level, lawn mower engines fail, or drive belts wear out, car tires go flat, refrigeration units of one kind or another develop refrigerant leaks causing failure until repaired, both cell phones and computers become obsolete, etc., etc., etc.

Having the knowledge that change in every physical entity is perpetual allows us to know what to expect as time marches on — we get old and wear out, as does everything in this universe —some of us get surprised at relatively young age by strokes, heart attacks, cancer, etc. Everything in the physical world seems to have a built-in condition of planned obsolescence, but why — wear or fatigue.

It is observable that for every action or incident in the physical world there is a perfect reaction (consequence). It is also observable that there cannot be, nor has there ever been, two identical actions — very similar, yes: identical, no. There is a reason for that truth, and I believe it is to be found in the perfect rationality which pervades our universe — I call that Perfect Rationality God. That Perfect Rationality is to be found in the substrate of every atom in existence and is labeled quantum.  A quantum is the smallest particle of energy in existence. It has many designations and duties, but each of a kind has the identical functional characteristics — not one of its type can be marked so as to distinguish it from others of its kind; none can be further subdivided; none can change or be changed; each is perfect in both form and function; none can be created or destroyed by mankind.

The characteristics I have just described for quanta allows for ‘no change — time’. Therefore, they exist in a permanent state of eternity. However, they form the substrate for every tangible object in existence, each of which is constantly changing. Cumulatively, they exhibit the Perfect Rationality which pervades our universe — they are God’s Reflection — they are the Son, the second person of the Trinity. It is the mandated mutual love relationship between the Father and Son which is The Holy Spirit (the Will of God). There you have it — graphic understanding of Trinity God.

It is an observable fact that an imbalance called entropy exists in our universe. That imbalance mandates perpetual change in all entities attempting to become balanced. The perpetual attempt at balancing the universe will likely culminate in everything returning to a Singularity — the same singularity which caused the Big Bang 13.7-8billion years ago. Many scientists believe that event will occur some seventy-five to one hundred billion years from now — then likely another Big Bang. That culmination will result from everything being engulfed by one massive black hole producing such gravity that the entire universe will be reduced to the size of a pin head — God’s hibernation headquarters.

So, why does it work — it is because God’s Perfect Rationality mandates it — when a certain condition is joined with other conditions, an anticipated result will occur. However, God’s Perfect Rationality demands change, wear, in all entities. Those changes mandate loss of desired function — something fails when we least want or expect it. Suich situations create frustration for us — the pain of frustration can be ameliorated somewhat if we whisper to ourselves, “God’s Perfection at work”.  

The scientific explanation of God’s Perfect Rationality and The Trinity which I just suggested and demonstrated is a rational presentation derived from both science and philosophy. The god presented in the Bible represents the combined ignorant, astrological, selfish, mythological, imagination of its designers and in no way correlates with the Perfect Rational God which I have presented. It is the sad truth that from the beginning of recorded history until now mankind has been shackled with ideas and attributes of that mythical god through a medium known as religion.

It is quite understandable that such a god would have been imagined during the centuries devoid of scientific understanding. We now have uncovered the secret of God’s Perfect Rationality and have used that scientific information to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe — we have successfully sent a man to the moon and safely back, and why? — because it worked. WE also have witnessed the explosion of outer space vehicles which resulted in the sudden unexpected death of several brave astronauts, and why—it failed to work — some piece of the functional puzzle was missing – failure was guaranteed, and why — God’s Perfect Rationality demanded it.

As a rational society, we have ‘rolled with the punches’ and embraced scientific endeavor with fervor. However, religion has not, and why — it’s called power, control, and money.

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Pope Francis, in an endeavor to shore up ‘the herd and resources’ has taken all sorts of heat from so-called conservatives because of such attempts. He has seen the deleterious effects of irrational approach — rational people have quit church-going — the money well is receding. Whether or not he is sincere in his statements and actions, or if he is doing so for ulterior reasons, only he knows. However, his arguments coincide with sound scientific, philosophic, and social needs. He has proclaimed that there is no hell — the idea of hell was ‘dreamed up’ to control people. He has stated clearly that most so-called marriages are not legitimate because the couples are not intellectually determined to be compatible for life — they should live together for two to three years to determine their compatibility and resolve before entering such a contract. Recently, he has bestowed his blessing on LGBTQ+ couples — after all, they are God’s creation also —who is to question our Perfect Rational, Being, God?

The one concept he has not tackled, and the one I believe to be the most important, is the illogical attempt to appease a vengeful God — God’s Perfection demands his Perfect Love which precludes any concept of revenge — God is Perfect and cannot possibly be hurt. He is all Love and therefore, must accept his own image completely — his Holy Spirit, his Will drives that loving acceptance. I hope and trust that his understanding of that concept will drive him to courageously make such a proclamation.

Of course, that would instantly change the complexion of all sacrificial religion and hopefully, would transform all into a community of ‘thanksgiving’ to our God —the meaning of Eucharist — our only legitimate prayer.

Until and unless that edict comes forth, humanity is doomed. We will never become like-minded — we have no venue — we will use our knowledge of God’s Perfect Rationality to ­self-destruct — that is inevitable.

Therefore, if you have not already done so, I implore you to read my little books, Wilderness Cry, Peace In Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic. You will be exposed to a complete legitimate set of ideas which define and expand the concept of a Perfect Rational Being who I call God. Likewise, you will be exposed to the invalidity of all religion. More importantly, you will attain understanding of the only way peace can be obtained andwhy it works’.

For a little history, humor, and nostalgia, you might read my book, Growing Up In Fancy Farm, Kentucky.

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All are available from Amazon-Kindle and, autographed, from me handg@comcast.net.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


There’s an old joke that befits the current status of the Roman Catholic Church. It goes like this: The teacher asked the children in her class, “What is the fastest thing in the world?” Immediately, a flurry of hands went up. Little Suzie spoke up first, “A thought, she said.” Very good thinking Suzie,” said the teacher. “A blink,” said Alex. “One can hardly see a blink, it’s so fast”. “True” said the teacher. Little Annie was quick to chime in with, “A light switch — flip a switch and have light immediately”. “Very, very, good Annie”, responded the teacher. Little Johnnie had been waving his hands frantically when the teacher finally called on him. Johnny stood and dramatically said, “I’ll tell you what’s the fastest thing in the world — it’s diarrhea. “Why on earth would you say that Johnnie” replied the teacher. Little Johnnie responded, “I’ll tell you why. Last week, I had diarrhea, and before I could think, blink, or turn on the light, I had already messed my pants.”

Those of us old and older Catholics have many memories of how things used to be in Catholicism. We remember how we were shackled with guilt for anything related to sex. We remember that according to Thomas Aquinas, the greatest sin that could be commit was male masturbation. The reasoning was very simple and plain to understand — all babies were in male semen, and they were being spilled to their instant death — such was his (their) ignorance and paternalism. We remember when any form of birth control other than the ‘rhythm method’ was strictly forbidden. We remember when premarital sex was a mortal sin and would send one straight to hell if unconfessed. We remember when purgatory, limbo, and indulgences were in vogue. We remember when attending mass on all Sundays and Holy days of obligation were strictly enforced under pain of mortal sin. We remember when any form of servile work on Sundays was likewise forbidden unless ‘the ox was in the ditch’. We remember when deliberately eating meat on any Friday or any day during Lent except Sunday was likewise a mortal sin — fasting by all able bodied was demanded during all days of Lent except Sunday. We remember when divorce was scornful, as was marrying a non-Catholic. We remember when ‘round dancing’ was forbidden — only square dancing was permitted among unmarried people.

If we knew any Church history, we knew that during the Inquisitions, innocent people were tortured unmercifully and then burned to death on a pile of brush while being tethered to a stake. That treatment was delivered to anyone accused of having pleasure during sex. Additionally, anyone caught having sex on an elevated structure met the same fate — the shaking during such sexual activity might cause the ‘flat earth’ to topple off its five wobbly, crooked legs into the netherworld below. Likewise, many people including children were found to be witches which demanded the same remedy — death by fire. Heretics got the same treatment — anyone who declared the earth to be round rather than flat, or anyone who refused to admit that the earth was the ‘center of the universe’, and any philosophy contrary to Church teaching. The Inquisitions began in 1184 and lasted 840 years. Not all guilty people were burned to death — many received penances such as imprisonment or house arrest. We remember from Church history that in the late 1300’s, there were two and even three popes simultaneously — each with his own set of cardinals. We remember from history that thing got so bad that a monk, Martin Luther, and others split from the Church in protest — Protestantism was born.

We remember when anything pertaining to sex was so demeaned as to prompt G Rattray Taylor, in his book, Sex in History, to note that Medieval Europe resembled one giant cesspool of psychosis —generated by the guilt over sexual matters.

So, what happened? — Vatican 2. Slowly but surely, a transformation began. In the beginning, rather suddenly but subtly, pulpits ceased railing about birth control. Likewise, there was a cessation of preaching about purgatory and indulgences. The necessity of immediate post-partum baptism and Limbo were seldom mentioned — nowadays, infant baptisms may not occur for two to three years with no dissent from the pulpit. Abstaining from meat on Fridays and Lenten fasting are almost whispered as is mass attendance on Sundays and Holy days. Divorced people seem to be welcomed with open arms without the previously associated scourge. The only sex related issue I’ve heard in the last thirty years is the occasional mention of pornography.

All these sudden changes have prompted an outcry of disproval from the ‘conservative’ branch of Catholicism— more loudly since the Papacy of Francis began. However, Pope Francis seems to have a deaf ear to their dissent. His early response in attempted appeasement was, ‘None of the rules have changed. We just got to quit talking about them.’ Of course, he was referring to the age-old Church practice of pretending that ‘it’s always been this way’ — old folks who know will soon be gone and the younger set not having been exposed will assume ‘it’s always been that way’.

In another vein of historical disconnect, Pope Francis stated bluntly that couples should live together for two to three years before marrying to ascertain their compatibility. He stated that most so-called marriages are not marriages at all because most are done to satisfy ‘sexual attraction’ but lack commitment to marriage and family life. His reasoning is sound but, there again, it stirred the ire of conservative Catholicism. Pope Francis seems to have an uncanny manner of ignoring his dissenters.

Then there is Francis’ approach to abortion which previously was pronounced as a most abhorrent sin. In the USA, President Joe Biden and the then Speaker of the House of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, both avowed Catholics, but major promoters of abortion, go ‘trotting over’ to Rome where Pope Francis not only gives them his special blessing but again, as a slap in the face to conservative Catholics, personally gives them both Holy Communion — a sacrilege.

I think there is a subtle but, to me, obvious reason for this ‘about face’ by the Church — it’s called money.  The old-fashioned method of controlling people, sex, used by the Church forever has obviously failed. Young people are not only ignoring those rules as irrational, but worse yet, have ceased attendance at Catholic mass. That of course, means fewer financial contributors. A recent Pew Research report shows near %50 of adults who were raised Catholic no longer consider themselves Catholic. Neither do they attend Catholic services — a real hit to the Church pocketbook.

I have railed about this and other related issues concerning religion in general for several years. It’s not only Catholics, but also all religious groups who have seen a significant decline in church attendance — religion has become irrelevant to more and more people. To me the cause of that decline is obvious — religion’s irrationality.

All religion is totally irrational for one very simple reason — God. Everyone talks about God, but no one knows who God is. They all, speak of a ‘fairy tale’ god. They tell stories about this ‘mythical god’ likened to Alice in Wonderland. Even little children become aware that Santa Clause is not real once they become rational. We all were little children once upon a time and most of us were indoctrinated with ideas about a god who is an absolute myth. As the public becomes more educated, they begin to see flaws and discrepancies between ‘real life’ and what they were taught. Seemingly, most can’t explain why they have forsaken their religion — they just instinctively know something is wrong.

For years, I was trapped in that similar dilemma — I didn’t know why. Then I discovered the reason — no one had ever defined the essence of God. I knew that minus an essential definition, nothing has meaning, including God. With continued determination and a little good fortune, I was finally able to define the essence of my and your God —God is a Perfect rational Being. Instantly, that definition with its understanding ‘blew all religion out of the water’ — all is irrational and illegitimate.

My definition of God’s essence is grounded in the science of Particle Physics which describes an entire universe of perfect rationality. It shows that everything in existence is composed of perfect particles of energy which themselves exist in eternity but which simultaneously, make up every tangible, changing (temporal) object in this universe —they represent that Perfect Rationality which pervades all limits of the universe — they demonstrate a Perfect Truth System outside of which there is no truth — if there is God, and I believe there is, they are God—they are a tangible reflection of God the Father’s Perfect Intellect — they are God the Son —the love relationship between the Father and Son , the Holy Spirit is the driving force of God (God’s Will) which maintains the perfection of each particle.

I have been aware of three major voices, but most certainly many others have escaped my awareness, who recognized the essential God — Jesus of Nazareth, Francis of Assi, and Meister Eckhart. They each instinctively knew that God was in all things and that all things were in God, but they did not have the scientific understanding to back it up.

Jesus said ‘split a piece of wood and ill be there. Lift a rock and find me there. He knew that God was ‘all love’. He despised religion and clearly said so. He was a traitor to the Jewish religion of ‘sacrificial appeasement’ —he was crucified for his zeal.

Francis of Assisi saw God in everything. He instinctively knew that not only was God in everything, but that knowledge meant his individual person had a commonality with every existence.

Meister Eckhart was a famous German Monk who was very insightful. He knew God was everywhere and in all things. He spent most of his adult life attempting to define God — even to the point of reducing God to a negative dimension. He failed in his attempt to define God because he knew no science. Many of his publications were considered heresy and consequently, the Inquisition was closing in on him — thankfully, he died a natural death before they could bring him to trial.

So, what happened?  We are witnessing the demise of Christianity right before our eyes. I predicted it in the last chapter of Wilderness Cry — Christianity will see its demise within 100 to 500 years. The determining factor will be wars and more wars.

What, then, should we be doing? We should not be gathering as Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, etc. We should be gathering in communal thanksgiving to our Perfect Rational God who has shared his rationality with us. That sharing has allowed us to gradually discover some of his most important truths, science, which has allowed us to make our lives more comfortable and more productive. Dreadfully it has also allowed us to produce weapons of mass destruction.

Which will we choose, love of God and love of neighbor or self-destruction — I fear the latter — we seem to be teetering on the brink of disaster even as I write.

If you have not already done so, please read my little books, Wilderness Cry, Peace in Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic. If you’d like a little ‘Huck Finn’ type entertainment, I believe you’ll enjoy Growing Up in Fancy Farm Kentucky — all books are available from Amazon-Kindle and me (handg@comcast.net)

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity


How many times have we heard God’s attributes listed as all-powerful, all-knowing, and allIoving, but how often do we hear of God as ‘all-perfect’? — I dare say, seldom. As with everything in this universe, there is a reason for that delinquency — one must understand what ‘perfect’ means. Since most purveyors of God’s attributes know but are unwilling to ‘profess science in religion’, the term ‘perfect’, when referencing God, is seldom used.

My contention suggests it is impossible to understand God’s perfection without knowing, understanding, and accepting ‘science’ —the only attribute which describes God completely.

Without accepting science as God’s only complete attribute, none of his other listed attributes have complete meaning. For instance, the ‘all-powerful’ attribute which millions have interpreted as meaning God can do anything they wish him to do, is as false as saying black is white. I can see you now, screaming and yelling at me as a blasphemer. Likewise, the all-knowing and all-loving attributes are meaningless without understanding the ‘all-perfect’ nature of God. Please allow me to explain.

The most fundamental thing we must understand is that there is a Perfect Rationality which pervades our entire universe. Otherwise stated, that means ‘there has never been nor will there ever be an occurrence which did not deliver a perfect consequence’.

As our understanding of the derivation and origin of our universe has developed, it has become apparent that everything in the universe had its inception at the moment of the so-called Big Bang, roughly 13.7-8 billion years ago. Instantaneously, our universe was filled with the ‘perfect particles of energy’ which gradually developed into the tangible entities as we know them today — instantly ‘change’ began.

We, less than perfect rational humans, have measured and designated the rate of that perceptible change in units called ‘time’. Additionally, we have recognized that every action delivers a perfect result for its set of inciting causes. That sequence represents the ‘Perfect Rationality’ which exists in our universe.

 Accepting my definition of God’s essence as ‘A Perfect Rational Being’ demands that no change in God’s Perfection is possible. Therefore, all so-called miracles are impossible. God cannot possibly change his nature without destroying the perfect rational system he created.  For instance, if a falling object failed to accelerate at the identical rate every time, nothing would be dependable, predictable, or manageable— we, nor anything in the universe could exist under that circumstance — failure of that principle of perfect rationality would cause immediate disruption and likely destruction of the entire universe.

Likewise, as we address the concept of an all-knowing God, most of us have been indoctrinated with the concept of a God sitting on a throne somewhere in heaven. As he sits and observes all happenings, he either smiles or frowns at our actions — he knows everything which happens. In addition, he is a perfect predicter of future happenings and has a plan for sending his Son, Jesus to separate the sheep from the goats — heaven for some—to hell for others. That, of course represents the widely held idea of the same God who can change his mind and be influenced by us — an  ‘Alice in Wonderland’ concept of God dreamed up and perpetuated by purveyors of religion who refuse to honor the perfect rationality in our universe which describes God. My contention is that those perfect particles of energy perform perfectly, and consequently, their activity and results can be predicted forever — they are God — indeed all-knowing.

Now, the attribute of an all-loving God is frequently ‘sideswiped’ (dismissed) in many religions by the concept of a merciful God. That mercy can be administered only by a vengeful god who can be appeased only by compelling sacrificial offerings and begging. Historically, those meaningful sacrifices could/can be offered only by a qualified negotiator, a priest. Contrarily, the application of an understanding of a Perfect Rational God negates any possibility of a vengeful God who is capable of rejecting anything in existence — can God reject himself?  Perfect Rationality demands Perfect love, choice, will, acceptance of that Perfection which is God.

So, the bottom line is this; God is Perfect which means he is complete. Nothing is missing. Nothing can be added. Nothing can be changed. Therefore, all religion is invalid because it either attempts to appease a vengeful god or it demands belief in the intentions and identity of a historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth.

Its fragmentation into 45,000 so-called Christian religions alone attest to its irrationality. Yet various forms of Christianity persist and multiply — akin to, a lethal virus spreading worldwide in pandemic fashion. Instead of bringing unity, religion spreads discord. Its irrationality dispels any possibility of like-mindedness which is the mandatory basis for peace.

In recognition of that terrible, destructive menace on our little planet, the lack of like-mindedness, I have repeatedly called for The Worldwide Communion of Spirituality — meaning, each of us recognizes and accepts that the Spirit of God is branded onto every perfect particle of energy in this universe  — they are God — they are perfect in both form and function, they cannot be changed, they cannot be marked, they cannot be created nor destroyed by man, and not one, more or less, is in existence now than at the moment of their release at the Big bang. Until ‘that common like-minded recognition‘ comes to fruition, peace is impossible.

All religion is based on mythology, astrology, ignorance, and imagination — none coincides with the Perfect Rationality, God, who exists and reigns with absolute perfection in his and our universe. All religions perpetuate the lucrative scheme of control through authoritative power, resulting in wealth accumulation and empire building.

Jesus despised religion. He died in an attempt to supplant the Jewish religion of sacrificial appeasement of an angry, vengeful god with a philosophy of an all-loving God accompanied by an all-loving humanity — ‘Love your God with your all and love your neighbor as yourself‘ (paraphrased).

God’s Perfect Rationality accounts for the Perfect Truth System which exists in our universe — there is no truth outside that Perfect Truth System and it, itself, is contained in all the perfect quanta (energy particles) in existence — they are God.

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All this philosophy is outlined in my books Wilderness Cry, Peace in Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic. You must read Wilderness Cry First, Then The others will have meaning. Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky gives a historical and humorous glimpse into the imaginative, creative and adaptive pioneer character of the first twenty-two years of my life.

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity



Before we can begin a discussion of such crucial issues as philosophy and science, we must have an essential definition of those terms. Philosophy may be defined as a basic set of fundamental understandings derived from known or presumed truths (facts). Science may be defined as knowledge(truths) derived from known and/or provable facts.

We begin by considering that recorded human history began about four thousand years BC, coupled with the fact that the first known truth (science) occurred in 1498 AD. That incident involved Vasco da Gama sailing to India and back proving the earth to be round instead of flat. The ‘flat earth’ had been the ‘accepted truth’ upon which much erroneous philosophy had been based — despite that known, proven fact, the Pope and the Inquisition continued for three years to burn people to death for disclaiming the earth to be flat.

The next major ‘scientific’ discovery occurred one hundred eleven years later when Galileo discovered the sun to be the center of our universe (solar system) and not the earth which was a mandated belief to the point of being burned at the stake for non-believers. He, himself, was forced to recant his findings to escape incineration — as punishment, he spent the last nine years of his life under house arrest. During those years, he laid the groundwork for the scientific discovery for the rate of acceleration of a falling object, which was later developed and refined by Sir Isaac Newton.

Those two proofs served to lay the foundation for continued scientific investigation which accelerated at a torrid pace from that time on. Astronomy soon replaced the pseudoscience of astrology. Astronomers began to calculate distances to celestial objects — as both telescopes and curiosity improved, the science of astronomy became real.  However, despite that fact, the Pope is said to have an astute astrologer at his side before making any serious decision up until the 1800’s.   All religion was deeply rooted in pseudo-philosophy which was based on ignorance, mythology, astrology, imagination, witchcraft, and hearsay. Likewise, all concepts of God proposed by religion were based on those same superstitions.

That proposition created a situation whereby ‘everyone talked about God, but no one could define him’ — there were/still are as many gods as there are now, or ever have been, people on this earth.

Since its inception, science has accelerated at a feverish pitch. We know so much more now — we’ve put a man on the moon— sadly, we’ve created a tool capable of obliterating every living thing on this earth.

A mythological god exists in the minds of everyone who believes in God. Consequently, everyone’s philosophy about God and his environs (religion, eternity, heaven, hell, etc, and all such like considerations) is pure nonsense — all is based on ‘false premises’— no one can define his god.

On the other hand, science attempts to be more exact and in most instances is — biological sciences seem to be more slowly developed and understood than the other physical sciences. That is because the massive chemical structures, reactions, and interactions, of biological compounds and systems are more difficult to completely ascertain, define, and repeat — just because we are slow to understand doesn’t make them invalid — it just means we are slower in understanding that aspect of God’s perfection.

Every action, thought, reaction, and interaction has consequences. So, what are the consequences to humanity of being impaled with a philosophy which is based on mythology, astrology, etc.?  From my perspective, the principal consequences of record which have pervaded human history from day one are disorder and discord. Humans have been fighting each other throughout the ages. Almost from day one, there have been alliances for mutual protection from enemies. However, as soon as the danger passes, alliances frequently loosen and even some break ranks and join others. Invariably, infighting of minor degree developed in the alliance— some state, nation, or ruler fails to do its part.

Given what I just said to be remotely true — one glance at today’s world will justify my statements — why do you suppose that is? I believe there are two basic causes. The first involves the fact that we are animals and, just like all animals, we tend by nature to be domineering and controlling. Long ago, some groups recognized the need for civility — gradually, the entire earth became civilized by necessity. However, greed did not disappear. The second, and I believe most important cause for disorder and discord, is lack of like-mindedness. And, what prompted that void? I will readily suggest to you, it is because no two persons have an identical understanding or picture of their God — everyone talks about God, but no one knows him— no one can define his essence. Therein lies the basic difficulty the world has encountered.

Why then can we not define the essence of our God? I would readily suggest there are two causes. Number one, all our current philosophy about God comes to us through the Bible which, itself, is based on mythology, astrology, ignorance, imagination and hearsay. Number two, and more importantly, concepts of God have never included Science. Without scientific understanding, all concepts of God are invalid.

I was fortunate to have a picture of God and the Trinity painted for me in 1958 by a young Jesuit retreat-master shortly before I graduated from Medical School at Saint Louis University. He told me to think of God as having a Perfect Intellect — that Perfect Intellect, having nothing else to reflect upon, looks inward and sees a perfect reflection of itself. Being in the supernatural, that reflection is a living being just as its generator — it is the Son, the second person of the Trinity. Those two Perfect Intellects, viewing each other perpetually, have no choice but to love, choose, will, accept each other — the Holy Spirit or Will Of God. Instantly, I saw the picture, but I couldn’t explain it to myself or others because I couldn’t relate to the Perfect Intellect —what was it— I did not know the scientific basis for it — I still could not define the essence of God.

Fortunately for me, and I hope and trust for you, after sixty-five years of searching, I found the scientific explanation for the philosophy of my God’s essence — Quantum Mechanics (particle physics).  There I learned that there is a Perfect Rationality which pervades this universe — every truth in this universe is found in that Rationality —it constitutes a Perfect Truth System outside of which there is no truth. Cumulatively, all those particles, (quanta) which are perfect in form and function, are indivisible, are unmarkable, are unchangeable, and cannot be created nor destroyed by man, exist in eternity, but they form the substrate for everything in our changing, temporal universe— they are God.

Finally, I was able to do something never before done — I was not only able but also mandated to define my God’s essence— God is A Perfect Rational Being. That definition is all inclusive and it is irrefutable.

The ramifications of that understanding are staggering. They completely obliterate and annihilate every thought we ever had about any god or religion — all are invalid — we must now start anew. We must change our thinking and our visualizations completely.

In summary, it is easy to see that philosophy which is based on mythology, astrology, imagination, and the likes has no relationship to science (truth) and furthermore, is totally irrational, bearing no relationship to reality. Therefore, the Bible, from which all concepts of God and all ensuing Christian religion was/is based, is totally irrational and is the epitome of pseudo philosophy. However, that is exactly what the world has been shackled with for near six thousand years. Contrarily, philosophy which is based on known, provable facts, science, is completely rational and trustworthy but has been completely ignored by so-called Christian religions. The reason for that is obvious — acknowledgement of scientific facts would instantly invalidate them and their ’cause’ — power, control, and money — they have no inclination to destroy their power base.

It should be noted once again that no one can prove or disprove the existence of a Supreme Being. However, knowing the perfect composition and perfect rational function which exists in our universe, as described by Quantum Mechanics (particle physics), makes it more rational than not for me to accept the concept of ’A Perfect Rational Being’ who not only imagined and created this magnificent, tumultuous, perfectly functioning universe but also who manages it and keeps it perfect — for want of a better term, I call it God.

 Consequently, the good news is this — all can now become like-minded. We all can have the same identical understanding of who God is — finally, our billions of mythical gods can be abolished forever.  We can have peace.

It will take a staggering effort on everyone’s part to make that conversion come about — grass root understanding is very important. However, it will never happen until the purveyors of religion accept this new scientific doctrine and preach it worldwide. The Stronghold of power and control with resultant extraction of money must be broken — a monumental undertaking to say the least.  Please don’t hold your breath — maybe someday before we self-destruct.

While we wait, once again, I call for the acceptance of The Worldwide Communion Of Spirituality which demands each of us to understand and accept that the Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit, The Will of God is branded onto every perfect particle of energy which constitutes ever gravid object in existence in this universe. That, my friends, is like-mindedness.

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That basic scientific philosophy is spelled out in my first book, Wilderness Cry. It is carried to its logical conclusions in Peace In Spirituality, and Provocative Catholic. In addition, I have published a semi auto biographical and historical account of my first twenty-two years of life in Growing Up In Fancy Farm Kentucky. I believe you will find each intriguing — Amazon-Kindle and from me, autographed (handg@comcast.net).

baptism Bible Buddhaism catholic catholic-church Christianity church Eternity Faith Future of Christianity God God's Will gods Hilary L Hunt MD Hinduism HolyGhost Holy Spirit homily Islam Islam Christianity Jesus Judaism Judaism Buddhism Money Philosophy pope-francis Power Religion religions saints salvation Science sin theology The Trinity